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MARTIN GOJDA is Professor at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (Head of Archaeology Department between 2005 – 2011) and between 2007 - 2021 he was Professor at the University of Kardynal Stefan Wyszynski in Warsaw (UKSW, Poland); in both he teaches landscape archaeology, non-invasive prospection methods, and the archaeology of early medieval Europe. He is also the co-ordinator of aerial archaeology programme and curator of the archive of aerial photographs in the Institute of Archaeology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (Prague).
Membership and functions in societies, commissions, etc.
Scientific Board of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of West Bohemia
Scientific Board of the Faculty of History and Social Sciences (UKSW)
International Advisory Board of the journal Archaeologia Polona
2013: Head organizer of the Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists and Chairman of its Scientific Committee.
Monographs (books)
Gojda, M. 1997: The Ancient Slavs. Settlement and Society. Edinburgh (Edinburgh University Press).
Gojda, M. 2000: Archeologie krajiny. Praha (Academia).
Gojda, M. et al. 2004: Ancient Landscape, Settlement Dynamics and Non-Destructive Archaeology. Prague (Academia).
Gojda, M. - John, J. et al. 2013: Archeologie a letecké laserové skenování krajiny - Archaeology and Airborne Laser Scanning of the Landscape. Plzeň (University of West Bohemia, Pilsen).
Kamermans, H. – Gojda, M. - Posluschny, A. G. (eds.) 2014: A Sense of the Past. BAR Int. Ser. 2588, 83-91. Oxford (Archaeopress).
Gojda, M. 2017: Archeologie a dálkový průzkum. Historie, metody, prameny. Praha (Academia).
Gojda, M. 2020: Air Survey and Remote Sensing in Archaeology. Warszawa (University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński).
Gojda, M. et al. 2022: Metodika zpracování a evidence dat leteckého průzkumu v archeologii. Praha (Archeologický ústav AV ČR).
Gojda, M. - Bíšková, J. (eds.) 2023: Archeologie z nebe. Katalog výstavy. Brno (Ústav archeologické památkové péče Brno).
Book chapters
Articles in journals
Gojda, M. 2011: Archaeology in current society. A Central European perspective, Antiquity 85, 1448-53 (journal with impact factor).
Gojda, M. 2012: Some observations on contemporary teaching of archaeology in universities, Sprawozdania archeologiczne 64, 9-16.
Gojda, M. - Hejcman, M. 2012: Cropmarks in main field crops enable the identification of a wide spectrum of buried features on archaeological sites in Central Europe, Journal of Archaeological Science 39, 1655-1664 (journal with impact factor).
Hejcman, M. – Součková, K. – Gojda, M. 2013: Prehistoric settlement activities changed soil pH nutrient availability, and growth of contemporary crops in Central Europe, Plant and Soil 369, 131-140 (journal with impact factor).
Gojda, M. 2014: Ujawniajac ukryty wymiar przeszlego krajobrazu: zwiad lotniczy w regione góri Říp w Czechach. Archaeologia hereditas 3, 167-176.
Gojda 2017: The value of complementarity. Integrating the evidence from air survey and ALS in Bohemia, Archaeological Prospection 24, 75-83 (journal with impact factor).
Gojda, M. - Unger, J. 2023: From air survey to GIS-aidedmapping, photogrammetry-based 3D modelling and the virtual reconstruction of Czech lowland crop-marked archaeological sites, Památky archeologické CXIV (114), 235-267.